Friday, December 4, 2009

Steampunk and the SCA

People cope with the technological world in a variety of fascinating ways. Some, for instance, live a good deal of their time in the past - or an invented past.

My three children are all members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), which endeavours to re-enact the more fun parts of mediaeval times (ignoring the plagues, famines, poor health care, hovels, etc). So they regularly don armour and knock the stuffing out of each other in tournaments. Their big event is a week-long Canterbury Fair at Waipara over Waitangi weekend, which is well worth a day's visit. The costumes are amazing. Others get into Steampunk Tech, which puts a Victorian spin on modern technology. There is even Steampunk music, which comes in a wide variety of colours. I particularly liked this YouTube cartoon movie about a Steampunk duel. A little reminiscent of Will Smith's film Wild Wild West.

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