Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Google squared

Google is constantly pushing out in new directions. It takes some dedicated watchers to even vaguely keep up with its constant developers - but they're out there, like here, and here... (be warned, though, these are serious geeks, who speak a rarified language I can barely fathom). Onward, however...
One of the next frontiers of search is taking all the unstructured data spread helter-skelter across the Web and treating it like it's sitting in a nice, structured database. It is easier to get answers out of a database where everything is neatly labeled, stamped, and categorised. As the sheer volume of stuff on the Web keeps growing, keyword search keeps getting closer to its breaking point. Adding structure to the Web is one way to make sense of all that data, and Google is starting the tackle the problem with a Google Labs project called Google Squared. Google Squared extracts data from Web pages and presents them in search results as squares in an online spreadsheet. It's hard to explain, but clicking on a few of the front page suggestions will quickly give you the idea.

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