Thursday, May 21, 2009

The dark side of Skype

Skype's free internet phone calls are a boon to millions. But it has a dark side which has largely gone undocumented: it hijacks websites.
Recently, I installed Skype on my computer at the request of my boss, in the belief it would improve communications between us. One of my duties is to administer our website, hence I frequently author pages for the site. But we have discovered that Skype sniffs around for phone numbers on a page, and when it finds them inserts a packet of code into the page to promote Skype. The end result on the page looks something like this:

It doesn't look like much, but the code is quite large, which can push up downloading times, for instance in email newsletters. At this stage, the only way I know to stop it hijacking the page is to exit Skype before authoring. There's an old (now very un-PC) expression which could apply in this case: Beware Greeks bearing gifts. (Refers to the Trojan wars, before you get upset.)


Tim Bulkeley said...

Or use an editor that is NOT Wsywyg, but shows only the code... Skype inserts the code only in pages displayed by your browser's display engine (I think)...

Andy said...

more like,

beware Geeks bearing gifts