Monday, January 19, 2009

The digital revolution and the church

"There is a revolution sweeping across the globe, driven by the massive growth of the internet and internet related technologies. Known as the Digital Revolution it is on a par with other great global shifts such as the Agrarian Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. And it is completely changing the landscape of how we communicate, how we influence, how we relate. This isn’t simply about coming to grips with a new technology to assist us in our work; it requires of us a fundamental shift in our processes, structures and approaches. If we don’t respond then, as Eric Hoffer states, we will find ourselves, ‘beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.’
Thought-provoking words from the CEO of the Bible Society of NZ, Mark Brown. Mark is one of the foremost thinkers on how things digital are changing the world. He also leads a group in the internet world called Second Life (in that world he goes by the alter ego Arkin Ariantho) which has established a massive traditional cathedral, with a congregation now of more than 500, running multiple services a week.
You can read Mark's full paper here.

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