Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's not your fault, Part II

"All these labels -- 'geek' and 'nerd' and 'mild Asperger's -- are all getting at the same thing. ... The Asperger's brain is interested in things rather than people, and people who are interested in things have given us the computer you're working on right now." (Temple Grandin, an associate professor at Colorado State University, on the connection between people with a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome and IT professionals.)


Madeleine said...

My son has Aspergers so thanks for that.

scrubone said...

The down side being that too many IT teams don't give a proverbial about the people the technology is supposed to be serving.

Madeleine said...

It is not true Aspies don't care, they just don't know how to verbalise empathy or they think verbalising empathy is a pointless exercise because it is not going to make your IT problem go away.